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Several crops in Georgia and Dagestan, 1991

Collectors: Burenin and Frese


In 1989 the All-Unions Vavilov Institute (VIR) in St. Petersburg (former USSR) and the Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherland (CGN) in Wageningen (the Netherlands) agreed on a collaboration in the area of agricultural research. The agreement enabled the western partner to organise a collecting expedition through the south of the Soviet Union. In return, the VIR would get support for the development of their documentation system.
Already in 1990 a joint collecting trip was organised, on the basis of this agreement, to Armenia and Dagestan. In February 1991 the experts of VIR visited CGN to study the Dutch approach in handling the seed storage. During this visit the second collecting expedition, in 1991, was planned.

In 'Documents' you will find the report of this expedition which contains a list of collected germplasm. We could only find copies of the original collecting forms of Brassica. All beet accessions were transferred to IPK in 2001.


The collecting numbers in the report (Sam. nr.) match with the collecting numbers in the Excel list (COLLNUMB).

Collecting forms

The collecting numbers on the forms and in the Excel list do match.
