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Spinacia spp. in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, 2008

Collectors: C. Kik and L.J.M. van Soest (Netherlands), F.O. Khassanov and M. Aripdzhanov (Uzbekistan), and H. Hisoriev (Tajikistan)


The present expedition was carried out in Central Asia as this area is known to be part of the biodiversity centre of Spinacia turkestanica. During a one month mission, in total 30 populations were collected in Tajikistan and 38 populations in Uzbekistan. Sixty-six populations of S. turkestanica and two populations of S. oleracea were collected. Particulary rich areas were the valley in between Lokhur and Isambay in Tajikistan and the area north of Samarkand around Gallaoral (Kusa, Zaamin and Bakhmal) in Uzbekistan.


