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Different crops in Pakistan, 1976

Collectors: M. Mesken, H.D. Mastebroek, W. Lange, A.R. Rao, A. Shakoor and M. Latif Shad.


In 1976, SVP (precursor to CGN) organised a collecting trip to the Swat and Chitral provinces in Pakistan. It was a joint operation with Agricultural Research Council (ARC) in Islamabat. The main target of the expedition was to collect germplasm of especially wheat and barley, but also of maize, grasses and pulses, which still exist in local varieties grown in the remote, inaccessible regions of Northern Pakistan. The second aim was to create a possibility for comparing the 1935 situation with today's as far as genetic erosion is concerned.

Below you will find the report of the mission and a document that describes what happened with the material after collection, e.g. the institutes that were responsible for multiplication and storage.

The collecting forms of this mission have not been found.

