In 'Documents' you will find a list of samples of this mission and publications in different languages.
The (partly incomplete) information from the collecting forms was merged and completed in the 'list of collections' (= list of samples).
In those days GPS devices were not available. 10 years after the mission, the Lon/Lat data were collected from maps and handwritten on the list. They are based on the locality data and additional remarks from the collectors.
In 2000, the collecting forms were re-checked and disposed of. In the framework of APIC (the Association for Potato Intergenebank Collaborators) the collector abbreviations were adapted somewhat (e.g. SOA -> VSOA) to avoid conflicts with collector codes used in other expeditions.
At the same time a third team, financed by the UK, was collecting in Bolivia, from which many samples later were also included in the CGN collection. Under 'Documents' you'll find a separate list of collected samples.