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Red clover in the Netherlands, 1985-1987
Collectors: Dijkstra, Vredebregt en van Soest
During 1985, 1986 and 1987 CGN collected red clover in the Netherlands. All material of this collecting effort has been added to the collection. Half of the CGN clover collection consists of material collected during these years.
Under the next heading 'Documents' you will find a list of the accessions collected during these two years, made shortly after the collection trips, while under 'Collecting forms' you will find scans of the original forms filled in during collecting.
Collecting forms
The collecting forms have been split into groups per collecting year.
- 1985 (COLLNUMB in the Excel list is the year-part of the "Date" followed by the number following "SOD" from the forms)
- 1986 (COLLNUMB in the Excel list is the year-part of the "Date" followed by the number following "SOD" from the forms)
- 1986 bis (COLLNUMB in the Excel list is "Collector's No." from the forms)
- 1987 (COLLNUMB in the Excel list is "Collector's No." from the forms. Collection forms of a potato expedition to Bolivia were used, the upper sentence of the forms must be ignored)